Featuring Boyds & Bearington Mother’s Day Collectibles!
Bearington’s A Mother’s Love: $28, Bearington’s Mommy-Care’s-Alot: $29
(Left Above) Bearington-Mommy Cares -A-Lot: $27, (Right Above) Bearington Peggy Pockets: $29.95, (Bottom Left) TY Bear-Love To Mom (Pink): $11.95, Blossom Porcelain Teapot: $32, Blossom Porcelain Cup/Saucer: $22, (Bottom Right) Boyds Bear-Felicity: $12.95
(Right) Boyds: Momma McBear & Delmar: $22.50, (Left) Boyds Momma Bundles with Joy: $14.95
Boyd’s Momma Bundles with Joy: $14.95, Boyd’s Felicity #1 Mom: $12.95