Bring Your Plush Pet to Life in a Digital World!
Starting at 14.95….A.-Clown Fish, B.-Angel Fish, C.-Wooly Mammoth, D.-Ostrict, E.-Cocoa Lab, F.-Jelly Bean Puppy, G.-Mocha Pup, H.-Weimaraner, I.- Pink & White Dog, J.-Gecko, K.-Gecko, L- Elephant, M.-Snowman, N.-Walrus, O.-Black Cat, P.-Monkey, Q.-Lioness, R.-Polar Bear, S.- Black Panther, T.-Clydesdale, U.-Floppy Pig, V.-Himalayan Cat.
Introducing the cutest animals with a digital twist. Enjoy your pet in the real world and online! So much Fun! Get a password and get ready for the fun to begin! So many different choices!
Holiday Collection (Starting at $14.95): Peppermint Puppy, Minty Moose, Snowman with Santa Outfit. Heart Collection (Starting at $14.95): Heart Frog, Heart Giraffe, Heart Monkey. Zumbuddy (Starting at $10.95): Zane, Zero, Zuzu. Kinz Collection with a Kinz Clip ($16.95): White Bunny with Baby. Webkinz: Black Cat with Pumpkin Costume-$14.95, Baby Bunny-$14.95, Reindeer Kinz Klip-$5.50, Midnight Owl-$$14.95, Black Bat-$14.95.
Space Fun: Check out Zumbuddy from Zumwhere Collection for ages 3+. Space fun with Webkinz and the digital world. Also, be able to attach your Kinz Clip to your backpack.
Check out the fun Webkinz Clothing Accessories (See Webkinz Accessories Page) that are available to add some extra style and more fun to your toys!